

🗔 16 April - 18April 2021

Happy Hacking

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Hack-o-Fiesta is an event organized by IIIT Lucknow, that lasts for 3 days and the students participate in a team of 1 to 5 like-minded individuals to utilize new technologies and hack together tons of code from different sources to achieve their goal. Not only do programmers get the satisfaction of creating a useful product during the hackathon, but once the time runs out all participants come together and present their creations to a panel of judges who then give points based on the idea, execution, and presentation.

With over 1500 students from 110+ technical colleges all over the world, it is a glorious stage for sharing tech-related products and services among some of the best technical minds across the world, all with a common goal - to advance our technology to the NEXT LEVEL. With coverage from leading national newspapers to countless social media accounts, technical forums, and blogs, it is a massive opportunity for interaction with some of the brightest young minds of our country and its impact is truly endless.



Cloud Computing

Health Care


Machine Learning / AI

Open Innovation

Game Development



1st Prize ₹20,000


2nd Prize ₹15,000


3rd Prize ₹10,000


Beginner's Track ₹8,000


All girl's Track ₹7,000

Ethereum Track

₹10,000 for the best hack built on Ethereum, or
₹15,000 for the best hack built on Ethereum + Polygon,
• Eligibility to apply for internship/full-time roles and seed funding of up to 5,000 USD for winners!

Best Dapp built on Portis

₹15,000 for best Dapp built on Portis

Best Dapp built on Tezos

₹20,000 for best Dapp built on Tezos
• Continuity Grant opportunity for exceptional builders

ML Challenge

Build your project with Teachable Machine & SashiDo and win amazing prizes

Crypto Challenge

• Build your own crypto wallet the way you want using the code templates and easy-to-use APIs from Lumos Labs and win from a pool of 15,000 USD (in AVAX).
• Eligibility to apply for internship/full-time roles and seed funding of up to for winners!

AR / VR challenge

• Application built using echoAR platform
$50 Amazon gift card
• Three-month free Buiness Tier access
• Selected projects will be feature in echoAR’s inspiration page.


Logan Kilpatrick

Julia Language Community Manager

Betina Simeonova

Transformation and Change Management

Mario Behling

Co-Founder of FOSSASIA

Harish Raisinghani

Developer Relations Manager at Covalent

Ganesh Swami

CEO at Covalent

Ben Dechrai

Community and Developer Advocate

Vilva Athiban

Senior Engineer at Omio

Sarfaraz Hussain

Data Engineer


The team size can range from 1 - 5

The Hackofiesta hackathon will begin on 16th April 9:00 pm and the projects must be submitted by 18th April 9:00 am.

Read more about our theme.

Beginners, pros, literally everyone. Anyone with a passion for learning, or primarily, undergraduate and highschool programmers are welcome to attend. Even if you can’t code, we can teach you or you can help out in the hackathon.

Possibly something that resonates with the theme of the event. It can be a website, software, an applet or maybe even a piece of hardware. We’d love to see anything that solves a social problem or goes with our agenda.

No. In the interest of fairness, students should not be working on their projects before Hackofiesta begins and we do not allow participants to work on pre-existing projects. However, you can familiarize yourself with all the tools and technologies you intend to use beforehand.

No, there is no such provision. Selection of a team is done considering all it's members. However the team members can apply as individuals and then form a team after selection.

Unfinished or unimpressive (so you think) projects should be presented anyway! Presenting your hack gives you a chance to be proud of what you’ve done, and a constructive perspective of where you should be headed next.

That is not a problem! A great way to learn how to code is by attending a hackathon. It's an event for like-minded people to share what they are interested in and teach each-other what they are passionate about, whether it's coding, electronics or anything else you want to know about. You never know what new skill you might pick up! You can also ask specific questions to our mentors and in the Discord server, where people are there to help. Plus we have planned numerous workshops and talks for you guys to make the learning process better.

Our Team

Meet the family behind the Technical aura